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Follow Misfits-Science for periodic newsbites, trivia, music links, and random thoughts on 'Misfits of Science'

JB | Twitter

If you don't get enough Johnny B in your life, follow SunglassesAtMidnight for a Twitter stream of just Johnny B related tweets.

SFTH | Facebook

<3 Straight From The Heart <3 is a group for anyone zapped by the Misfits of Science, a place to share all that we love about them.

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For anyone zap⚡ped by the awesome 1985 television series,MISFITS OF SCIENCE B-)

MoS | Facebook

Fun new Facebook page for 'Misfits of Science'.

Place to buy the German DVD release of 'Misfits of Science' ('Die Spezialisten Unterwegs'). The discs are region 2, but the English audio is included.

Place to buy the French DVD release of 'Misfits of Science' ('Superminds'). The discs are region 2, but the English audio is included, as well as French subtitles.

Nice site with a forum for 'Misfits of Science' fans. It's mostly in German, but it's okay to post in English. It's run by Tobias Winkler, who was in a music group that named themselves after the show.

Great place to find fan fiction. There's only one 'Misfits of Science' fic so far, but I'm hoping that Science of Misfits can be used as a resource for anyone who wants to write one.

Courteney Online

There are quite a few Courteney Cox fansites online, but Courteney Online is the best, most up-to-date one. It's extensive and has an MoS section.

MoS | YahooGroup

This is a Members Only mailing group that still occasionally has some activity. There's a photo gallery with some different promo photos and scads of screenshots too.

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I've encountered a lot of questions online about 'Misfits of Science', and I've tried to make sure that this site is able to answer them, but I still have a few of my own:

1. Can anyone shine any light on this quote from a newspaper from August 5th, 1985: "British rocker Kim Wylde [sic] has recorded "The Heart of Science," theme song for NBC's new 'Misfits of Science'." Kim Wilde doesn't sing the theme song that's used in the show, so is this something that was going to be used but was scrapped for some reason?

2. Who plays the two funny volunteers that are at Humanidyne in a bunch of the episodes but never have dialogue? --SEE ANSWER BELOW IN COMMENTS--

3. Is there any significance to Miss Nance saying "Goodnight bunnies" at the end of 'Deep Freeze' and the end of some of the other episodes' credits? Is it a reference to something, or is it merely there to be funny and I'm just reading too much into it?

4. Can anyone identify any of the 4 songs in these clips:
             'teamwork' (01-02)  IDENTIFIED :)     'all together' (01-02)     'memories' (12)  IDENTIFIED :)     on boombox (15)

5. Does anyone have any info on MoS merchandise put out by the network back in the 80's? It could have had awesome tie-ins, like varsity jackets to match the team's. --SEE ANSWER BELOW IN COMMENTS--


  1. they kept bunnies in the lab in the first episode, el was worried about losing them after getting fired. so there was probably a scene that got cut of her saying goodnight bunnies during an end of her shift scene or something.

  2. You're right, there is a scene of Miss Nance 'end of shift' right before the credits of 'Deep Freeze' roll (this scene has been left off of the episode in some cases - unfortunately! cos it's funny). But since the show then incorporated this bit of dialog as the final thing heard at the end of the credits of some later eps, I thought maybe it was a parody of some 'sign off' line and that that would be why it would've been showcased in that way. I'm probably over-thinking it tho. It's nice to think that this meme might be completely original to MoS. Actually I'd prefer that :)

  3. Q1: It could be bad journalism. She recorded a song for the "Weird Science" sound track.

    1. Thanks for the info! And you know, you're probably right! It's highly likely a journalist confused the two - I've seen it happen other times, lol. Kim's track in 'Weird Science', "Turn It On", sounds nice:

  4. As a member of the original crew, I can answer two of the questions for you--the two "lab rats" that you often see in the background at Humanidyne were, in fact, just that...background. I might have their names buried somewhere deep in all of my scripts (somehow "Frank" comes to mind) but it was just a running joke that the A.D.s had to bring these two extras in everytime we shot a lab sequence, and to find something really weird to be doing with them ( I always loved the teeter-totter gag). This was back in the days when there was still a Screen Extras Guild, but we got them both through Central Casting.

    As for the jacket, that looks like one of the crew jackets from the show. Everybody really dug the varsity jacket that they had come up with for Dean to wear, and we were all really excited to get one as a crew gift for Christmas--until we found out that the studio was going to charge everyone $85/jacket (apparently they cost more, and the production was only willing to "split" the cost with us) As you can imagine, very few of us were willing to pay for our own crew gift, so very few were ordered (I think that they were ALL #69)

    Hope that helps!

    1. Awesome, thank you for the info!! I never would've thought of that about the jacket, very fascinating. (I'd so love one...) The recurring 'lab rats' and hilarious-yet-interesting experiments were always a highlight of the Humanidyne scenes so I'm very glad they were put in. MoS has this unique brand of humor and 'hey, this would be great/funny/cool' element to it, which is soooo wonderful about it.

      Having a crew member from the show drop by our lil ol' fansite is totally cool (understatement!). Thanks for stopping by, hope you got a good 'trip down memory lane' :)


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